Site Search
June 21, 2023

15 Ways to Increase Conversion Rates On Ecommerce Store Using Site Search

Author imaage
Hiya Chaplot
Associate Growth Manager
Increase Ecommerce Conversion Rates

70% of visitors on e-commerce websites use site search as the primary navigation tool, and visitors who use site search generate 50% of the revenue on e-commerce sites. A well-designed site search functionality allows visitors to find what they're looking for quickly, and this can lead to increased conversion rates for e-commerce businesses. While several factors can impact conversion rates, including website design, product pricing, and customer experience, improving site search is a great place to start. 

How conversion rates and site search are related

Meet Shelly, a busy working mom looking to buy a new pair of running shoes online. She visits an e-commerce website that offers a wide range of products, including running shoes. She types in "running shoes" in the search bar, hoping to find the perfect pair that fits her budget and meets her requirements.

But what if the website's search functionality is inadequate or doesn't provide relevant results? Shelly may have to spend much time manually searching through the website's pages to find what she's looking for, or worse, give up and visit another website altogether.

On the other hand, if the website's robust search functionality provides relevant results, Shelly can find what she's looking for quickly and easily. She's more likely to convert into a customer, and the website has a better chance of generating revenue.

This scenario illustrates how crucial site search is to the user experience and how it can impact the conversion rates of an e-commerce website. By implementing effective site search strategies, businesses can improve their chances of converting visitors into customers and ultimately drive growth.

All in all – conversion rates measure the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on your website, such as making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter. Site search plays a critical role in the user experience, helping visitors find what they're looking for quickly and easily. 

Of course, conversion rates are also affected by many other factors - such as design, user experience, pricing, etc. But if you're looking for ways to boost conversion rates on your store, making sure that your site's search functionality is up to scratch is an excellent place to start.

15 Strategies to increase conversions through an enhanced site search functionality

Site search is essential to any e-commerce website, and optimizing its functionality can significantly improve your conversion rates. Here are 15 important ways in which you can increase your website conversions by using an improved site search functionality. By implementing these strategies, you can make it easier for users to find what they're looking for, personalize their experience, and ultimately increase your revenue. 

1. A prominent search bar

A prominently placed search bar can help users find what they're looking for quickly and easily. According to a study by Baymard Institute, 70% of e-commerce sites have a search bar that's not prominent enough, causing users to struggle to find it. Make sure your search bar is easy to locate, preferably in the top right corner of your website, where users are used to seeing it.

2. Predictive search and autocomplete

According to a study by Econsultancy, sites with predictive search have a 9.01% conversion rate compared to sites without it, which have a 2.77% conversion rate. Predictive search or autocomplete is a feature that suggests possible search terms as a user types into the search bar. This feature can speed up the search process and reduce the number of searches that return no results

3. Visual search results

Visual search results use images rather than text to display search results. This can be particularly effective for products that are visually appealing, such as clothing, furniture, or home decor. According to a study by Slyce, visual search can increase conversion rates by up to 30%.

4. Recognize synonyms and related terms in search queries

When users search for a product or service, they may use different terms to describe what they're looking for. Recognizing synonyms and related terms can help improve the accuracy of search results and increase the likelihood of conversion. For example, if a user searches for "sneakers," your search engine should recognize that "trainers" is a synonym and display relevant results.

5. Build typo and misspelling-tolerant search

Despite our best efforts, we all make typos and misspellings in our search queries. Around 25% of all search queries on ecommerce sites are misspelled. However, traditional search engines are not always forgiving when it comes to these mistakes, which can result in no search results found or irrelevant search results. 

To prevent this, you can implement a typo and misspelling-tolerant search that recognizes these mistakes and returns relevant results. For example, if a user searches for "camra" instead of "camera," the site search can still display results for "camera."

6. Offer natural language search

This means that users can input search queries like they would ask a question in everyday language, such as "What are the best shoes for running?"

With natural language search, your site's search engine can understand and interpret the meaning behind the user's search query rather than just matching keywords. This can lead to more accurate and relevant search results, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

7. Faceted search

Faceted search is a search experience that allows users to refine their search results using filters, such as by price range, brand, color, or size. This can make it easier for users to find exactly what they're looking for, as they can quickly narrow down the search results to products or content that meet their specific criteria.

Faceted search has been shown to improve the user experience and increase conversions. In fact, research has found that sites that offer faceted search have a 20% higher conversion rate than those that don't.

8. Narrow down search results with filters

Filters are an essential part of faceted search and can help users to narrow down their search results. For example, a user searching for a specific product may want to filter the results by price range or brand.

By allowing users to filter their search results, you can provide a more relevant experience, which can increase the likelihood of conversions. Research has shown that 77% of users prefer search results personalized to their needs.

9. Transform the 'no-results' page to a conversion catalyst

When users search for something on your site, there's always the possibility that they won't find what they're looking for. In this case, the site search engine will display a 'no-results' page, which can be frustrating for users.

However, you can turn this negative experience into a positive one by using the 'no-results' page to showcase related products or content. For example, if a user searches for a product that's out of stock, you can display related products that are in stock or offer a discount code for a future purchase.

10. Use larger images

Visuals play a critical role in the user experience and can impact the likelihood of conversions. When it comes to site search, using larger images can help users quickly identify products that match their search query.

Research has found that using larger images in search results can increase the likelihood of click-throughs and conversions. In fact, a study found that using a larger image size on category pages improved sales by 9.46%.

11. Use data to drive personalization at every stage of the buying process

Personalization is an effective way to boost conversions, and site search can play a crucial role in this process. By analyzing search data and user behavior, you can create personalized experiences for visitors that are more likely to convert.

For example, if a user searches for a particular product, you can show related products or offer personalized recommendations based on their search history. You can also use data to personalize the search results page, delivering more relevant results to the user based on their location, previous searches, or other preferences.

12. Offer whole-site search

Sometimes, users may not be looking for a specific product or category but rather for general information about your brand or website. In such cases, having a whole-site search functionality can be beneficial. This feature allows users to search for any keyword or phrase on your site, including blog posts, FAQ pages, and more. By providing this functionality, you can make it easier for users to find the information they're looking for and increase the chances of converting them into customers.

13. Boost profit-generating products and categories in search results

To increase your revenue, you may want to promote specific products or categories that generate the most profit. Site search can help you achieve this goal by allowing you to prioritize these items on the search results page. By doing so, you can increase the visibility of these products, making it more likely that users will click on them and make a purchase.

14. Leverage intelligent product recommendations

Product recommendations are a powerful way to increase sales, and site search can be a great place to showcase these recommendations. By analyzing user behavior and purchase history, you can provide personalized product recommendations to users based on their search queries. 

For example, if a user searches for "running shoes," you can show recommendations for related products such as socks, sportswear, or fitness equipment. By providing these recommendations, you can make it easier for users to find what they're looking for and increase the likelihood of conversion.

15. Optimize search for mobile and voice search

Finally, optimizing your site search for mobile and voice search is essential as these channels continue to grow in popularity. Mobile users may have different search behaviors and preferences than desktop users, and voice search presents unique challenges, such as understanding natural language queries. Optimizing your site search for these channels can improve the user experience and increase the chances of converting visitors into customers.

If you're looking for a comprehensive site search solution that incorporates these strategies, Zevi is an excellent choice. Zevi offers a robust search platform that can help you boost conversions and drive growth. Try out our demo today and see how it can benefit your business.

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